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Is it Friday already?


Here’s me, sitting on the back steps with a brew, avoiding a very long to do list includes vaxing carpets and going to Lidl… bugger that, we’ll have a chippy tea and the dog will pee on the carpet again anyway.

This blog lark is a faff, for you I mean, not me.. sorry I hadn’t realised you have to log on and join things, it’s a steep learning curve and I’m trying to get to grips with this techy stuff. I can easily order things from Vinted, I’m doing ok on Instagram, I can manage my website -ish, so not bad for an almost 56yr old menopausal scat brain😏

My big techy conundrum is working out how to create online courses and live sessions via my website… there’s a load of info and support by young people who make it look so easy, they should spend a morning in my brain and they’ll understand it’s not! What I need is a young person to organise everything, film me, edit and press save.. then I’ll be fine. Isn’t that why we have kids and where are they when you need them?

Next to organise is a weekend course here in Bewdley. Would this be of interest to you? Do let me know if it would. I have had so many requests to do it so I’m aiming at late October/November, two full days painting, lovely food and all materials supplied, and local Airbnb accommodation can be arranged within a minute walk from studio! What do you think? Fancy it?

I recently taught a weekend course at Yardley Arts in Northamptonshire, it was wonderful to meet 10 super lovely people who just went for it and created amazing artwork, (there are a couple of testimonials on the website if you want to take a look) it was a joy to teach them, it really was!

My classes in the studio are going so well, my students tell me it's such a welcoming space and being surrounded by my chaos, artwork and Claire’s pottery they can’t help but feel inspired!

The purpose of my classes is not just to paint, it’s more about connection and self care. Art brings people together, we talk, we laugh, we support and we/they form lovely friendships, art is just the conduit and I’m just the enabler!

I’m running some half day workshops over the summer as I know it’s difficult to commit to weekly courses. Keep a look out for dates if you are interested, there’s one space available on 6th July, the others are full atm. I think there will be another towards the end of July, not decided the date yet tho!

Ahh you must be bored by now, so I’ll leave it there and my bum is numb sitting on this step so long!

Oh just to say I’ve uploaded some new work that I’ve completed this week, Roses 1-4 from this week’s demo boards, they’re in the website shop now.

Have a lovely weekend X



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